Tag: mental health

Miscarriages and Men: Why I Can’t Go To The Santa Claus Parade

Between 15 and 20 per cent of all pregnancies in Canada end in miscarriage, according to estimates by the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC).

Everyone loves a parade. Especially me. Or, so goes the conventional wisdom of people who know me. After all, I was the Canada Day Parade organizer for a decade in my western Canadian prairie suburb.

Many people are looking forward to the upcoming Santa Claus Parade in our city, but I’m not. Far from it. I’ve only attended one time since I left the Executive Director job at the Chamber of Commerce — the organization that runs the parade. It’s just too painful.

Let me explain.

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Artist Spotlight: Erinn Evans

Erinn Evans lives in a suburb next door to mine outside of Edmonton, Alberta. That said, I’d never met her before our recent Skype chat.

A mother of two teenage sons, she is finds time for her art while they’re at school.

During our chat, she had some thoughts and insights that I loved and I hope you do, too, as you get to know her a little better.

[Featured Artwork: “Forest Friends” by Erinn Evans. 20”x24” encaustic painting.]

Erinn Evans
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The Depression Diagnosis

Today’s story is not like one of my typical stories, which are meant to entertain, exaggerate, and cause a knowing smile to creep across your face. To the contrary, today’s story is very much a serious story about depression, the stigma surrounding it, and how actions impact others. 

If you or a loved one needs support, you can learn more from:

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