Tag: MLB

The New York City Trip

“I’ve got a great idea,” I blurted out with a cautiously enthusiastic tone one evening about three months ago as my artist wife and I got ready for bed.

The idea had been percolating in my mind for years by this point. Travel restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic had left it closer to a distant dream, no different than the planned trip to Cooperstown.

She stopped brushing her teeth and looked at me.

“What is it?” she asked plainly through a toothpaste-filled mouth with zero enthusiasm. Zero.

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The Ballpark Princess

We took our kids to Disneyland in April 2017. Their first trip. The excitement was palpable for the month leading up to the trip.

This trip was also going to feature a Toronto Blue Jays road game for me and our then-six-year-old son. He loved baseball. It was his passion then and remains his passion to this day.

This would be his second-ever MLB game. As excited as he was for Disneyland (very!), he might have been just as excited to go to a Toronto Blue Jays game.

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