Category: Family (Page 3 of 8)

The Art Studio Extension

It never stood a chance. 

We recently renovated our kitchen and the last piece was the kitchen table. 

The old kitchen table was a giant, dark brown behemoth that served us well.

Many family meals were enjoyed there. Christmas breakfasts, Easter dinners, and birthday cakes came and went. 

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The Flash Slothmore

“Hey, can you come down to the studio for a minute, I want to ask what you think about something?” my artist wife said after popping her head around the corner into our living room.

Looking around to see who she was talking to, I realized I was the only one sitting there.

And then, after looking around again for anyone else I could pin this activity on, I realized I was entirely alone. The kids weren’t around and there wasn’t even anyone walking past on the sidewalk through our picture window.

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The Ballpark Princess

We took our kids to Disneyland in April 2017. Their first trip. The excitement was palpable for the month leading up to the trip.

This trip was also going to feature a Toronto Blue Jays road game for me and our then-six-year-old son. He loved baseball. It was his passion then and remains his passion to this day.

This would be his second-ever MLB game. As excited as he was for Disneyland (very!), he might have been just as excited to go to a Toronto Blue Jays game.

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The Studio Light

Growing up, my parents were really good at sharing tips and advice.

One memorable piece of advice was: “Get that spaghetti out from between your toes.”

But, by far, the most common was: “Turn off the lights!”

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The Depression Diagnosis

Today’s story is not like one of my typical stories, which are meant to entertain, exaggerate, and cause a knowing smile to creep across your face. To the contrary, today’s story is very much a serious story about depression, the stigma surrounding it, and how actions impact others. 

If you or a loved one needs support, you can learn more from:

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